Canadian Mouse Mutant Repository
Established in 2002 at The Hospital for Sick Children, the CMMR is a central repository for cryopreserved mouse ES cells, sperm, and embryos. The CMMR also archives somatic tissue from mouse models in a variety of formats (frozen, fixed, embedded, and glass-slide mounted) enabling worldwide access to specimens from established mouse models. Now located at The Centre for Phenogenomics, the CMMR provides fee-for-service access to its range of services and the publicly available mouse lines and ES cells in its repository.
Our objectives are to:
- Cryopreserve the mouse resources of the large-scale mouse production projects at TCP to enable public distribution;
- Provide cryopreservation and cryorecovery services to individual scientists;
- Contribute to mouse cryobiology research & development; and
- Establish best practices and operate in coordination with other repositories worldwide.
Archiving your mouse lines and samples generated from your mice allow:
- Reduced number of mutant lines maintained as live animals;
- More space in your animal colony;
- Protection against disastrous events;
- Long-term secure and monitored storage of your archived samples; and
- Easier distribution of mice or germplasm to collaborators and/or other scientists.
Our services are detailed at the TCP website and include:
- Embryo cryopreservation and recovery;
- Sperm cryopreservation and recovery;
- Strain services, including rederivation by IVF, speed expansion and strain rescue;
- NorCOMM ES cell withdrawal; and
- Cryostorage of cells, tissues, embryos and sperm.
Information about placing online requests and general service terms are below: